"If it's worth laboring over the endeavor; accomplish the task with lots of TLC . . .
Time, Labor and Cash." Dr. Alexandra Watkins
C. Francis Baldwin
The Baldwin Trust Group Contractual Business Organization ("CBO") was contractually formed in 1993 by a Declaration of Trust. That same year it filed with the Internal Revenue Service as an irrevocable, 1041, complex, I.R.C. §301.7701, unincorporated business organization ("UBO").
Baldwin Trust Group CBO is the offspring of the former Baldwin Living Trust (a sole proprietorship) and Citadel Group UBO (shortly after the death of Citadel's founder and dissolution). The Citadel Group UBO operated California offices in San Diego, Walnut Creek, and Sacramento; which all merged into the current consolidated location 14 miles NE of Sacramento. Today, Baldwin Trust Group CBO's business offices are located at 7405 Greenback Lane, PMB 246, Citrus Heights, California 95610.
Our goal is to assist the public in the art of "estate preservation and asset protection" through a myriad of statutory and common law entities working flawlessly together to provide state of art protection against frivolous lawsuits, as well as comprehensive asset ownership and valuation management techniques.
We are not an anti-tax protestor organization nor do we support tax evasion of any sort; however, we do believe that each wage earner in America is responsible to pay only their fair share of taxes for the good of the Union - not one penny more nor one penny less than what is legally required. There is no patriotic duty, earthly or heavenly reward, or honor bestowed upon you by your community, local, state or federal government for paying more than what is required by law. We are very aggressive in applying the principle that tax avoidance is indeed legal. Whether it is for businesses or individuals, we employ every legal tax deduction or tax credit possible for our clients.
Tax laws change every day, and there are many changes that Congress is currently proposing. While there are many who feel the current tax laws are unfair; we have no choice but to follow the law until it is changed. Many tax deductions and legal loopholes exist that both businesses and individuals can use to limit, or avoid, the payment of income tax. Many of these legal ways to avoid taxes are not known to the general public.
Therefore, the Baldwin Trust Group CBO was established as a Treasury Regulation Section 301.7701-(2)(3)(4)(b) ~ 1041 irrevocable unincorporated business organization managed by Mr Baldwin under the oversight and direction of a fiduciary board of trustees.
Mr. Baldwin, born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, is a retired 22+ year veteran of the United States Air Force, serving during the Vietnam, Panama and Persian Gulf Wars from August 1969 through February 1991. He was contractually appointed as the general manager. Mr. Baldwin is a duly commissioned California Notary Public (Commission No. 946129).
As a senior logistics war planner for the Air Logistics Command; MSgt C. F. Baldwin (Ret.) learned to assemble the best and brightest in their respective fields of operation to form a brain trust advising command and general staff in all areas of wartime logistical planning.
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The Baldwin Trust Group CBO is also a similar consortium of professionals that lend their expertise to execute an on-going war to establish "estate preservation and asset protection" for our clients through affiliate attorneys, paralegals, financial planners, estate advisors, investment advisors, insurance agents, real estate brokers, notaries, professional trustee officers, agents for service of process, etc. throughout California, Nevada, Arizona, Oregon and Washington. We also have many clients in most of the lower 48 states as well.